Dear Friends, family, and community!
Kidz City is very excited to be doing children's programming and childcare in collaboration with FEMME CONFERENCE in Baltimore August 17-19! To gear up we will have a brainstorming and coalition-building meeting to discuss and envision what our Femme Conference Childcare dreams entail: politically, practically, and (perhaps most importantly) for fun!
Please join Kidz City on Sunday, July 15th from 2pm - 4pm for a BRAIN-STORM! Location soon to be announced.
We'll brainstorm:
♥ What is queer-centered, femme fabulous, gender explosive children's programming?
♥ What is the relationship between care work and femme identity?
♥ What would be fun, exploratory and super rad for kids and volunteers?
Children are welcome!
Please RSVP to
P.S. Did we mention that we'll be expanding on our sea theme, inspired by Femme Sharks? We are! Please come, bring your ideas, and spread the word! ♥
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